Welcome to our Media page
Video On-Demand
On this page, we have recordings of our church services available for watching and listening.
You can view any of our recorded services in this playlist, which we update weekly.
You can also view our streamed services on Facebook and YouTube on Sunday mornings at 10:30am for all to watch, worship, and be ministered to. Come be apart of our live online experience!
Audio On-Demand
These audio-podcasts are an archive (2020 and older) of our past church services as well as other special events. We pray you will enjoy them. If you have a specific service you’d like to hear, contact us at hlfsecretary@hopeandlife.tv with the specific date and time of the recorded service, and we’ll do our best to make it available for listening.
Welcome to Hope & Life’s podcast. This podcast is an archive of our past church services as well as other special events.
In this podcast, Pastor Tony contiunes to remind us to stand fearlessly against lifes’ trials. He reminds us of his 3 key points: to “1. Be a leader and not a reactor. 2. Embrace sacrifices and not selfishness. 3. Look for opportunity to shine your light in darkness”. With these 3 points, we can boldly defend against life’s trials.